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Reed as Daphne, Joseph as Shaggy, Chad as Fred, Maggie as Scooby, and Whitney as Velma

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Places to go in Alabama

Here's a list of spooky places we've visited so far, and we highly recommend them. We're always looking to expand this list, so if you know of any cool places to go, let us know!
  1. Liberty Cemetery (Rogersville, AL)
  2. The Masonic Lodge (Anderson, AL)
  3. The train bridge (downtown Florence, AL)
  4. The Forks of Cypress Plantation (Florence, AL)
  5. Ghost Bridge (Florence, AL)
  6. Sweetwater Mansion (Florence, AL)
  7. Sloss Furnace (Birmingham, AL)
  8. Abandoned school on Lovers Lane (Rogersville, AL)
  9. An old speakeasy (County Road 55, Rogersville, AL)
  10. Abandoned slave cabin (County Road 459, Rogersville, AL)
We're looking forward to going to Hell's Gates, Crybaby Hollow, and Dead Children's Playground in Huntsville as well as the Jackson Family Cemetery in Florence. Our thoughts and experiences will be posted soon!

Slave Cabin

Sweetwater Mansion

Family cemetery at Sweetwater

Liberty Cemetery est. 1830's

1 comment:

  1. Great Information, Thanks For Sharing It, I also Was planning to going and see All Places To Visit Alabama with my family, I think it was an awesome place for vacations with family.
